Thursday, June 12, 2014

On Women's Day

Dad, is there a need to celebrate women-hood?

My darling daughter - Yes and No both.

Yes, as I would want you to celebrate yourself, and anything and everything related to you,
the same way as I would like to celebrate myself, and anything and everything related to me.

You are unique and so is everyone else. And I want you to celebrate this uniqueness.
How you are, how you look, how you think, how you feel - celebrate all of it.
Celebrate both your femininity and you masculinity. Not one at the cost of other.

I also don't want you to celebrate yourself in contrast to anybody else.
I don't want you to celebrate being a free daughter, an empowered wife or loving mother.
All these are tags in relation to the other.

I want you to celebrate who you are, independent of the other.
To feel free irrespective of the other.
That in true sense is equality.
You are in no way less than any man or woman.
Nor are you in any way more than any man or woman.
You are you - Unique.
Celebrate that my Love.
And you don't need a special day to do so.
Do it everyday, every minute, every moment of you life!

March 9, 2014 at 1:00pm

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